Saturday, July 28, 2007

Foal Watch: The Signs of Foaling

By Darlene M. Cox

Many of us who have owned broodmares can attest that there are certain signs that indicate foaling time is near. These signs most generally will fit into a time frame ranging from weeks, days, and hours to foaling.

It is best to start out with a general knowledge of when a mare was bred. Foaling is most likely to occur when a pregnancy reaches the gestational age between 320 and 370 days. Some folks may believe their mare is overdue once she reaches 345 days, with day 340 or 341 being the mean average. Remember that the gestational clock is run by the foal's internal battery, which will induce labor once the foal has adequately and sufficiently developed in utero.

Impending birth signs and their time span prior to foaling are estimated as follows:

  • 2 to 6 weeks - the mare's teats and udder will begin to swell and enlarge. Sometimes (in maiden mares, particularly) the udder and teats may swell and recede a couple of times. I've never noticed this occurring with established broodmares.
  • 1 week to 2 weeks - The croup muscles around the tail dock and vulva of the mare will begin to relax and feel "spongey." The vulva may appear swollen when it is relaxed.
  • 4 to 6 days - The mare's udder will fill with milk and the teats will become engorged.
  • 2 to 4 days - Waxing (leaking or streaming of colostrum) will form on the teats.
  • Hours to minutes - The mare will appear agitated and restless, even colicky-acting. She may bite or kick at her sides, or lay down repeatedly. Sweating may be obvious.

These signs, in their entirety, may or may not be exhibited by all mares. Most particularly of these are waxing and milk engorgement. Some mares do not wax at all and may not show signs of milk engorgement until shortly before birth.

Of particular noteworthiness is how each mare individually exhibits these signs. The impending birth signs a maiden broodmare exhibits will most likely stay with her throughout her breeding career. Interestingly, a mare will tend to deliver around the same timeframe, give or take an hour or two.

For those who are awaiting new arrivals this spring, good luck to you during your foal watch. I hope you are able to be witness to such a splendid event.

Happy Trails!


Anonymous said...

I have a maiden mare that started bagging up about a week ago then a couple of days ago she was dripping milk from her teats. Do you think she will have the foal soon she was bred on the 20th of March 2007 thru the 26.

Blossom's foal said...

We bought a Welsh pony last year on May 20th. This February she started getting fatter and fatter. We put her on a diet and she still got bigger and bigger, then about 2 weeks ago she started producing milk (though watery) from her teats. Her tummy has a slight point to it now. Looking at her from the front, she looks like she has two large planets hanging on each side. I have read tons of articles of impending birth and all of the signs. Other than the milk and the size, it is very hard to determine when she will have this foal. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I have a 19 year old quarter horse who has foaled in the past but not with me. She was pasture bred from Jan - end of march 2008. Her vulva is very relaxed and she is dropped and v'd. I am able to extract a clear yellow slightly sticky fluid. I just started being able to express this fluid yesterday afternoon. I cant wait for this foal!

sherie said...

I can't say for sure all mares will do this but for my mares they have been very consistant that if I milk a drop or two onto my finger morning and night it starts off clear with a slight yellow color. When it turns to a creamy color and looks like milk the foal comes 24 to 48 hours later. Since I figured that out I lose a lot less sleep.

Anonymous said...

Blossom to me it sounds like your mare is in foal but im just going on what you wrote.Jenni you should express that fluid if the mare hasnt foaled yet as that is colostrum and you new baby foal will need that colostrum.I have worked on many thorobred and polo breeding studs and have assisted in over 400 mares give birth.. its an amazing feeling to be the first person present to see such animals be born.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!